Jul 2, 2024 | Disabilities, Special Education



Question: Why do we celebrate Disability Pride Month in July?

Answer: July marks the anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). It’s a great time to celebrate the spirit of the law that was passed 34 years ago, and the powerful words of the statute that help society understand that disability is a natural part of human diversity.


What is the ADA?

The ADA is landmark legislation that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in public places like schools. Instead, it requires equal access and inclusion.

Awareness v. Pride

Instead of calling July Disability “Awareness” Month, “Pride” has become the anthem for those with disabilities. There’s a significant and meaningful difference. “Awareness” connotes a discussion about a problem that needs a solution. “Pride” stands for a culture, an identity, and a difference to celebrate.


The Disability Flag

People with Disabilities have their own flag with which to celebrate. Initially designed by Ann Magill in 2019, it was revised in 2021 with input from people with disabilities.

The Disability Flag has five lightning bolts of color. The symbolism of the flag is as follows:

  • The Black Borders and Background: this field represents the disabled people who have lost their lives due to their condition and due to violence, abuse, negligence, suicide, and eugenics.
  • The Lightning Bolt: the shape of the lightning bolt stands for the path that many people with disabilities must take to adapt themselves to an inaccessible society.
  • The Colored Stripes: each color of the flag represents a different type of disability or impairment.
  • Blue: emotional and psychiatric disabilities, including mental illness, anxiety, and depression.
  • Yellow: neurodiversity, cognitive and intellectual disabilities.
  • Green: sensory perception disabilities, including deafness and visual impairments.
  • Red: physical disabilities.
  • White: invisible and undiagnosed disabilities.


How to Celebrate Disability Pride Month:


  • Meet People with Disabilities
  • Learn About People with Disabilities and How They Live
  • Share Your Story on Social Media at #DisabilityPride and #DisabilityPrideMonth
  • Take Action
    • Call and write your elected officials.
    • Donate your time and money to foster awareness and inclusion.


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