Preparing for an IEP Meeting: Tips for Parents
As special needs attorneys, we know that every parent or guardian wants to be an effective, confident advocate at their child’s first Individualized Education...
5 BY 5 POWER IN TRUST What is a 5 by 5 Power in Trust? A 5 by 5 Power in Trust is a clause commonly used in trusts. By its inclusion, it allows a...
JULY IS DISABILITY PRIDE MONTH Question: Why do we celebrate Disability Pride Month in July? Answer: July marks the anniversary of the passage of the...
Common Estate Planning Questions (Part II)
Common Estate Planning Questions Death, taxes … and probate? Not necessarily. You can avoid probate by planning ahead to create non-probate assets....
So You Think You Need an Expert: A Cautionary Tale (Part III)
So You Think You Need an Expert: A Cautionary Tale Part III: Components of a Good Expert Evaluation This blog is the third in a series of...
Common Estate Planning Questions
Common Estate Planning Questions What is Probate? Probate is the process through which an executor or administrator gathers the assets of a...
So You Think You Need an Expert: A Cautionary Tale (Part II)
So You Think You Need an Expert: A Cautionary Tale Part II: How to Choose an Expert A. Can We Use Our Pediatrician? Your pediatrician is your child’s...
Special Needs Trusts for People with Disabilities
Special Needs Trusts for People with Disabilities What is a Special Needs Trust? A Special Needs Trust (SNT) is an estate planning tool that...
So You Think You Need an Expert: A Cautionary Tale
So You Think You Need an Expert: A Cautionary Tale Part I: Mistakes Parents Make When Seeking a Better IEP or 504 Plan Parents may know their children...
AVOIDING INTESTACY: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER What is Intestacy? The word originates in the Latin “in testatus,” meaning no witness. It means you die without...