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What is a Sensory Processing Disorder?

Does your child crash into walls? Does she throw a tantrum when you try to brush her teeth? Does he cover his ears in a crowded amusement park or shy away from birthday parties? Does she seem insensitive to pain, or overly sensitive to sound or light? If so, your...

6 Back-to-School Planning Tips for Your Child With Special Needs

Written by  Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler For a few glorious weeks each year, classrooms are replaced with trips to the Shore, and your family’s summer vacation makes waiting for the school bus seems like a distant memory. Yet, while it may feel like the year has...

6 Inclusive summer programming options in NJ to check out

Written by  Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler If you’re still considering summer programming options for your child with special needs, here are six wonderful camps/summer schools in New Jersey that can provide activities for kids of all ages. Each inclusive program will...

5 Things to consider when choosing a guardian to name in your Will

Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler Choosing a guardian to name in your Will When handing your will and estate planning, one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is who will take care of your children if you become incapacitated or in the event of...

Does my child need an extended school year?

Written by  Mariann Crincoli, Esq. An extended school year (ESY) refers to educational programming beyond the required 180-day school year for students with disabilities who are eligible. Although every student with a disability who has an individualized education...


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