December Celebrates National Special Education Day

Dec 1, 2023 | Special Education, Special Needs, Special Needs Child

December Celebrates National Special Education Day

December marks the anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which was signed into law in December 1975. This year, on December 2, we celebrate Special Education Day, which reminds us of IDEA’s critical role in the lives of students with disabilities. The act ensures that children with disabilities can access a free and appropriate public education that meets their unique needs. It is an important reminder of our progress in providing quality education to all students, regardless of their abilities.

By marking December as notable in the special education community, we help raise awareness of the value of special education in the lives of students with disabilities, their families, special ed teachers, child study team staff, and the larger community. It’s a great way to celebrate diversity and develop acceptance and support for those with disabilities.

Many Americans celebrate the December holidays by giving gifts. It’s appropriate, then, to celebrate IDEA this month, since IDEA gave students with disabilities the right to FAPE: a free, appropriate public education. FAPE has been interpreted by courts since its inception to mean significant learning, meaningful educational benefit, and education gauged according to that specific learner’s ability and needs.

How Can You Celebrate and Raise Awareness?

Let your imagination be your guide! By example, however, here are ways to do so:

  • Lead a school- or district-wide celebration in your area. Have your school(s) recognize the accomplishments of students with disabilities—their own and other notable citizens. Schools can showcase student’s work and sponsor award ceremonies.
  • Partner with other parents and educators to share the value and the need for special education. Demonstrate how it benefits not only the students themselves but the general education community as well.
      • Hold seminars.
      • Post links on social media.
      • Livestream on Facebook.
      • Host Zoom sessions.
  • Promote inclusion by educating others about the benefits of special education students learning alongside general education children, for both sets of learners.
  • Read the actual law, and the IDEA legislation, and share pertinent parts with parents, educators, administrators, and on social media.
  • Share special education success stories with others. Many people have an inaccurate concept of who special education students are. Be a voice for special learners. It helps everyone grow.
  • Volunteer in special education programs in your school district and your community.
  • Thank teacher. Many of our special education teachers are dedicated professionals committed to the ideals and principles of IDEA. It can be a thankless job in some respects, and teachers appreciate hearing a sincere expression of gratitude.

Need help with your special education student’s educational program? Call or visit us today!
Feel free to call the SGW attorneys today at 609-409-3500. We’re here to help.


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