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8 Tips for Getting the Most Out of an IEP/504 Meeting

When you have a child with special needs, you know two things unequivocally: there is nothing you wouldn’t do for your child and IEP/504 Meetings can be exhausting, frustrating and stressful. However, you have the power to get what you need for your child when you...

Disagree with a HIB Determination? Don’t Wait to Appeal!

The New Jersey Board of Education made some changes to the HIB law (Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying – see below for HIB Act details) on July 1, closing some loop holes and clarifying some unanswered questions. However, one of the most important and timely...

Special Needs Estate Planning: Which Documents Do I Need?

(This is the third article in our multi-part estate planning series.)   If you have a child with special needs, there are countless issues you must consider as you plan for their future care and well-being. You are their primary guardian today – but what happens...

Prior Proper Estate Planning Eases Stress of the Unknown

(This article is part two of a multi-part series: Estate Plan Development for Parents of Children with Special Needs)   The basic premise of this article holds true regardless of whether you have a child with special needs or the simplest of circumstances....


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