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Is Guardianship the Right Choice for Your Family?

Every parent wants the very best for their child — whether they are one or 51. Most parents must loosen the reins a bit and allow their kids to take on more responsibility when they come of age; however, for parents of children with special needs, there are several...

How to avoid the 10 biggest mistakes made at IEP meetings

When you are preparing for what may very well be one of the most important meetings of your life, it’s important to be prepared. Join Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler Attorney Lenore Boyarin, Esq. on Monday, Dec. 4, 2017. From 6 to 8 p.m. at the Plainfield Library, 800...

7 Facts You Need To Know About ADHD

1. ADHD is Real Nearly every mainstream medical, psychological, and educational organization in the United States long ago concluded that Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a real, brain-based medical disorder. These organizations also concluded that...


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