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Knowing when to get your child the help he or she needs

There is a wide range of severity of different childhood disabilities. Many conditions may not be readily apparent and may take years to identify and diagnose. But that does not make those disabilities any less challenging for the children and parents who live with...

Researches note spike in U.S. Autism diagnosis

Autism has been a mysterious condition since it was first classified, and its cause remains largely unknown, even to this day. The fact that there is little to no consensus on the factors that can cause a child to develop autism has only added to the challenge of...

Early childhood benefits under IDEIA

Much of the discussion pertaining to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) focuses on what it provides to the parents of school-age children in New Jersey and throughout the United States. What many fail to mention, however, is that Part...

Due Process and Special Education Services

When most people hear the term “due process,” they think of a person’s right to a trial before receiving punishment for a crime. However, in our legal system, due process means that people have a right to be heard before the government can take away any right granted...

New Jersey Special Education Statistics

Many parents in New Jersey worry that asking for special help for children with disabilities means pulling those children out of regular school and separating them from friends and classmates. However, the vast majority of students in New Jersey receiving special...


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