The special education system in New Jersey is complex. In order for their needs to be best met and to get the most out of their education, a student’s parents...
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Preparing for an IEP Meeting: Tips for Parents
As special needs attorneys, we know that every parent or guardian wants to be an effective, confident advocate at their child’s first Individualized Education...
So You Think You Need an Expert: A Cautionary Tale
So You Think You Need an Expert: A Cautionary Tale Part I: Mistakes Parents Make When Seeking a Better IEP or 504 Plan Parents may know their children...
Thank you, Covid19—now my child has anxiety! What’s next?
By Mariann Crincoli, Esq. Pandemics can be stressful and COVID19 has proved no different. Fear and anxiety about the disease, feelings of isolation and...
6 Back-to-School Planning Tips for Your Child With Special Needs
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler For a few glorious weeks each year, classrooms are replaced with trips to the Shore, and your family’s summer...
District Court upholds SGW victory against Summit Schools
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler Sussan Greenwald and Wesler together with co-counsel Connell Foley prevailed over Summit Schools in a case that...
How to prepare for a substitute teacher when a child has special needs
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler “Today We Had a Substitute….” Having a substitute teacher can be welcome news for some students. For those...
What caregivers need to know about Extended School Year (ESY)
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler What is ESY? If your child has a disability and receives special education and related services, you'll want to...
When should I ask for an Independent Educational Evaluation?
The school district tells you that your child no longer needs occupational therapy but you disagree. The child study team has evaluated your child and did not...
Before you walk into your next IEP meeting
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler It’s anxiety-provoking for many parents: the thought of sitting down with your child’s case manager, principal,...
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What are the Special Education Classifications in NJ?
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