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Practice, Predictability, and Patience.

HELPING KIDS WITH SENSORY ISSUES ADJUST TO MASK-WEARING Most people have adjusted to wearing a mask during the Covid-19 pandemic, but the strange and new feeling of a mask against the face can be difficult for children with sensory processing differences. Parents,...

It’s Back to School – One Way or Another

Whether or not we feel ready, the start of another school year is here. The big difference this year, of course, is the COVID-19 virus. Some school districts will open on a modified basis, but many families are continuing only virtual learning from home. Whatever this...

Returning to the Classroom under COVID: A Planning Checklist

When children walk into their classrooms this fall, many things will look different. Since familiarity helps children feel secure, the changes necessary to safeguard everyone from COVID-19 may upset or confuse your child, at least at first. To help parents prepare...

Bullying Basics – Special Needs Children

Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler works with all families whose children are involved in bullying matters as either victims or alleged violators of school anti-bullying policies. Bullying can be a devastating experience for any child and could result in long term...

Why We Advocate

Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler is recognized as one of the leading special education law firms in NJ, having helped thousands of children with special needs receive access to the educational opportunities they might otherwise not have had. Our efforts on behalf of our...


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