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Using an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust

Using an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust   What is an IDGT?   An intentionally defective grantor trust (IDGT) is a tool used by estate-planning attorneys to freeze assets to reduce the grantor’s estate tax.   How does it work?   As a trust,...

September is National Yoga Month

September is National Yoga Month   Back in the 1960s, yoga was associated with flower power, pot smoking, and the hippie lifestyle. It was seen as avant-garde, something unusual, bohemian, and freewheeling. Today, however, there is a yoga studio on every corner...


ESTATE PLANNING: BE ALERT!   It’s been a long time since Bob Dylan sang, Oh the times, they are a changin’. One thing’s for sure, though: change is constant. In this post-covid era, many things have changed, and not always for the better. The Great Resignation...

Back to School Preparedness

PREP TALK FOR PARENTS   Back to School Preparedness   Summer days are waning and it’s time to turn your attention to back-to-school tasks. For those of you who parent children with special needs, you know they benefit from additional preparation. Begin with...

Planning for the Future of Your Child with a Disability

Planning for the Future of Your Child with a Disability   Life can be complicated when caring for a child or family member with a disability. Imagine what would happen to that loved one if you were no longer there to provide financial, emotional, and physical...


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