I REQUESTED AN INDEPENDENT EVALUATION AND THE DISTRICT SAID “NO”: NOW WHAT? One of a parent’s most powerful tools is the right to request an independent...
Special Education
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Planning for your Special Need child’s cack to school
Written by Staci J. Greenwald, Esq. For a few glorious weeks each year, classrooms are replaced with trips to the Shore, and your family’s summer vacation...
An action plan for your child who exhibits school refusal
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler School refusal, a significant, persistent refusal to attend school based on emotional distress, is more common than...
3 ways to help your child with sensory issues succeed in school
Written by Greer Gurland, Esq. Does your child crash into walls? Does he cover his ears in a crowded amusement park or shy away from birthday parties? Does...
4 tools to keep children with food allergies safe at school
Written by Greer Gurland, Esq. Many parents of children with life-threatening food allergies know to contact the school’s administration even before the first...
October is National Bullying Prevention Month – bullying laws protect children with special needs
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler Bullying can be a devastating experience for any child. When the child being bullied has special needs, serious and...
Students with disabilities cannot be barred from gifted and talented programs
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler Federal and state law requires that accelerated programs be made available to students with disabilities and that...
Charter Schools
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler Owe a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to Special Needs Students What is a charter school? Most people know...
Your child has rights when it comes to food allergy bullying
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler Food bullying is not to be taken lightly. For a child with a life threatening allergy, it can mean serious illness...
District Court upholds SGW victory against Summit Schools
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler Sussan Greenwald and Wesler together with co-counsel Connell Foley prevailed over Summit Schools in a case that...
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Back to School Preparedness
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Planning for the Future of Your Child with a Disability
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