ESTATE PLANNING: BE ALERT! It’s been a long time since Bob Dylan sang, Oh the times, they are a changin’. One thing’s for sure, though: change is...
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Planning for the Future of Your Child with a Disability
Planning for the Future of Your Child with a Disability Life can be complicated when caring for a child or family member with a disability. Imagine...
Why DIY Estate Planning Is a Really Bad Idea
The do-it-yourself approach may work for some jobs, but providing for your family after you’re gone is too important to risk making mistakes -- mistakes that...
Moving Out of State? Don’t Forget to Transfer Guardianship
By Theresa Sullivan, B.S, A.A.S. With so many people relocating, it’s important to understand the process of transferring guardianship rights to another...
Is Guardianship the Right Choice for Your Family?
Every parent wants the very best for their child — whether they are one or 51. Most parents must loosen the reins a bit and allow their kids to take on more...
5 Things to consider when choosing a guardian to name in your Will
Written by Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler Choosing a guardian to name in your Will When handing your will and estate planning, one of the most important...
Knowing when to get your child the help he or she needs
There is a wide range of severity of different childhood disabilities. Many conditions may not be readily apparent and may take years to identify and...
Researches note spike in U.S. Autism diagnosis
Autism has been a mysterious condition since it was first classified, and its cause remains largely unknown, even to this day. The fact that there is little...
Early childhood benefits under IDEIA
Much of the discussion pertaining to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) focuses on what it provides to the parents of...
Due Process and Special Education Services
When most people hear the term “due process,” they think of a person’s right to a trial before receiving punishment for a crime. However, in our legal system,...
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Latest Blog Posts
Estate Planning: Who, Me?
What Is Your Estate? Your estate is made up of all your assets minus all your liabilities. Your assets may include: Real estate, including your home, rental property, or land Checking and savings accounts Stocks, bonds, or other investments Pensions Annuities...
Congress Approves Nearly $2 Billion for Autism
The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support (Autism CARES) Act has been extended for five years. What It Means The five-year extension of this federal law creates a pathway for $1.95 billion to be spent with the funds will going toward:...
Will the Supreme Court Maintain the Filing Requirements of the Corporate Transparency Act?
Business owners should pay close attention to the various rulings and implications in this case involving the CTA. What is the CTA? The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is a federal law designed to prevent money laundering and financial crimes. It requires most small...
When Should I Update My Estate Plan in New Jersey?
It’s a simple fact that no one can predict the future with complete certainty, and unexpected health or financial events can occur at any time. Therefore, every adult who possesses any assets ought to make an estate plan, for the sake of the people they care about....
What are the Special Education Classifications in NJ?
The public education infrastructure in New Jersey provides students with specific disabilities access to special education classes and services in order to meet their needs. The purpose of the laws that offer this access is to ensure every student can learn and grow...